New features: DRM and Device Restriction

For anyone looking for additional ways to secure videos on their Tradecast-powered video platform, we recently introduced two new features. With the introduction of DRM protection, Tradecast users can provide individual videos with an even deeper layer of protection. And Device Restriction allows you to set a limit on how many people can watch videos concurrently from the same user account. In this article, we’ll explain how these security features work and how you can use them on your Tradecast platform.

The new security features DRM and Device Restriction can be used in addition to the existing Tradecast feature suite. If you are interested in using one or both of these features, please contact Tradecast Support to start an implementation process. A Tradecast Support representative will contact you as soon as possible to map out this path for your video platform.

DRM: Digital Rights Management

The copy protection technique DRM – which stands for Digital Rights Management – is an additional security layer for video content on your Tradecast platform. Activating DRM protection on a video provides better protection against copying. When the DRM option is activated, you can indicate yourself in the CMS of your Tradecast video platform which videos or live streams you want to provide with this additional security layer.

If you would like to use the DRM feature on your Tradecast platform, you can do so by requesting an implementation process through Tradecast Support. We will then link your video platform to DRM provider Pallycon, a global player that is trusted by events such as Tomorrowland and by brands such as LG, Samsung and Vidio. Additional terms and costs apply. More information can be found on the Pallycon website.

One of the advantages of the link with Pallycon is the ability to upload ‘DRM policies’ in the CMS of your Tradecast platform. A DRM policy is a list of hardware rules – set per video – which a device that wants to play that video must comply with.

For more examples of the DRM policies that Pallycon supports and about the fees that this provider charges for using DRM, please visit the Pallycon website.

Device Restriction

The additional security feature Device Restriction is an ideal feature to use in conjunction with DRM. Device Restriction allows you to specify, platform-wide, how many devices may simultaneously use the same logged-in user account. This is a better way to prevent registered users with access to videos behind a registration/payment wall from sharing their account with others.

If you would like to use the Device Restriction feature on your Tradecast platform, you can start the implementation process of this by contacting Tradecast Support. For more information on these two Tradecast features for additional security, please feel free to contact us.

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